FID (Fédération Internationale de Documentation) - tradução para Inglês
Dicionário Online

FID (Fédération Internationale de Documentation) - tradução para Inglês

International Federation for Documentation and Information; International Institute of Bibliography; International Federation for Documentation; International Institute for Documentation; FID Communications; International federation for information and documentation; Institut International de Bibliographie; Institut international de bibliographie; The International Institute for Documentation; Institut International de Documentation; The International Federation for Documentation; Fédération Internationale de Documentation; The International Federation for Information and Documentation; Fédération Internationale d'Information et de Documentation; Institut international de documentation; Fédération internationale de documentation; Fédération internationale d'information et de documentation; Federation internationale de documentation; Federation Internationale de Documentation; Federation internationale d'information et de documentation; Federation Internationale d'Information et de Documentation

  • [[St Andrews Castle]]
  • [[Scottish Lowlands]] farm. Detail from Slezer's Prospect of Dunfermline, 1693
  • [[Deep Sea World]]
  • [[Dunfermline Abbey]]
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  • [[County Buildings, Cupar]], the former headquarters of Fife County Council
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  • access-date=14 April 2020}}</ref> with parishes outlined in red
  • [[Falkland Palace]]
  • [[Fife Coastal Path]]
  • Fife House]], seat of Fife Council
  • Fife is divided into 22 wards, each electing council members of the [[Fife Council]].
  • [[Forth Bridge]]
  • [[Pittencrieff Park]]
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  • [[Isle of May]]
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  • Looking across the farmland of North East Fife to the distant [[Lomond Hills]]
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  • [[St Andrews Cathedral]]
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  • [[Swilcan Bridge]]
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  • A closer view of the [[Lomond Hills]], seen from [[Auchtermuchty]]
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Federation International Feline; International Feline Federation; Felis Britannica; FIFe; Fédération International Féline; Federation Internationale Feline; Fédération internationale féline; FIFé; Federation internationale feline; Fédération Internationale de Féline
flautín de tono muy agudo
World Chess Federation; FIDE Presidents; Federation Internationale des Echecs; F.I.D.E.; FIDÉ; Fédération internationale des échecs; International Chess Federation; FIDE Laws of Chess; Fédération Internationale des Échecs; Fédération Internationale des Echecs; Federation internationale des echecs; Federation International Des Echecs; World Chess; FIDE/Presidents; Confederation of Chess for America; Agon Limited; Fide;
* bona fide = genuino, auténtico, de buena fe
Federation of International Football Associations         
  • women]]'s, as of 2014
  • [[FIFA headquarters]] in [[Zürich]], [[Switzerland]]
Federation of International Football Associations; Federation Internationale de Football Association; F.I.F.A.; Fifa; Fédération internationale de football association; Federation International de Football Association; Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA); Federation of International Football Association; FIFA's; The International Federation of Association Football; La Fédération Internationale de Football Association; Federation internationale de football association; La Federation Internationale de Football Association; Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA); FIFA membership;;; Fédération Internationale de Football Association; International Federation of Association Football; FIFA Emergency Committee; FIFATV; Federal international football association; FIFA XI; Federación Internacional de Fútbol Asociado; FIFA Medical Committee; FIFA (organisation); FIFA (organization); FIFA confederation; FIFA+; FIFA confederations; International Association Football Federation; Vivaturf; HUMANOX; Humanox; Vieww
FIFA, organización principal que organiza todas las organizaciones de fútbol internacional


sust. fem.
Nombre de la letra d.
1) Denota posesión o pertenencia.
2) Explica el modo de hacer varias cosas.
3) Manifiesta de dónde son, vienen o salen las cosas o las personas.
4) Sirve para denotar la materia de que está hecha una cosa.
5) Demuestra lo contenido en una cosa.
6) Indica también el asunto o materia de que se trata.
7) En ocasiones, indica la causa u origen de algo.
8) Expresa la naturaleza, condición o cualidad de personas o cosas.
9) Sirve para determinar o concretar un nombre genérico con otro.
10) Desde.
11) Algunas veces se usa para regir infinitivos.
12) Con ciertos nombres sirve para determinar el tiempo en que sucede una cosa.
13) Los adjetivos que denotan compasión, ironía o menosprecio, suelen construirse con la preposición de entre el adjetivo y el substantivo a que se refiere.
14) Algunas veces es nota de ilación.
15) Precediendo al numeral uno, una, denota la rápida ejecución de algunas cosas.
16) Colócase entre distintas partes de la oración con expresiones de lástima, queja o amenaza.


International Federation for Information and Documentation

The International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID) was an international organization that was created to promote universal access to all recorded knowledge through the creation of an international classification system. FID stands for the original French Fédération internationale de documentation.